Thank You

Thank you for completing our survey and letting us know more about yourself and what has inspired you to create your legacy through Grove City College.

Together, there is so much we can do to provide a christ-centered living and learning experience as students pursue their vocational callings. I look forward to strengthening our partnership, and I hope you know how much you mean to us.

It would be great to set some time for a conversation. I would love the opportunity to tell you more about the impact supporters like you are having on our work and hear your thoughts. I will be reaching out to you shortly to see if you’d like to schedule a call.

Thanks again for your time and generosity.

Brian Powell '03

Brian Powell '03

Senior Director of Development

Grove City College

See how other supporters answered!

Which aspect of Grove City College's work is most meaningful to you?
Providing students with one-of-a-kind experiences that are enriched by biblically grounded liberal arts.
Advancing America's extraordinary achievement of the essential combination of truth and liberty.
Cultivating purposeful and principled leaders who are eager to serve the common good.
Protecting your freedom of conscience as one of the few truly independent colleges in the nation.